Red Roses in a Vase


Take their breath away with a stunning arrangement of red roses in a cottage inspired basket, available in your choice of 6, 12, 24, 36, 50, or even 100 roses. This exquisite bouquet is the perfect gift to brighten a loved one’s day and makes a romantic gesture that will truly impress. Each arrangement features delicate baby’s breath, fillers, and greenery, showcasing the timeless beauty of nature’s most cherished flower.

Don’t forget to check out our add ons (cake, candles, teddys balloons…)


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Take their breath away with a stunning arrangement of red roses presented in a beautiful glass vase, available in a variety of sizes to suit any occasion, from 6 to an impressive 100 roses. This exquisite bouquet is the ideal gift to brighten a loved one’s day, making it a perfect choice for valentines day, birthdays, Wedding anniversaries, or just because. Each arrangement is thoughtfully crafted, featuring not only vibrant roses but also delicate baby’s breath, fillers, and lush greenery, which together create a striking display that showcases the timeless beauty of nature’s most cherished flower.

Whether you’re looking to express deep affection, celebrate joyous moments, or convey heartfelt gratitude, this captivating design captures refined simplicity and elegance, ensuring your sentiments shine through. The enchanting colours of the roses evoke feelings of romance and admiration, making this bouquet a truly memorable gift that will leave a lasting impression. Each arrangement is delivered in a stunning glass vase, adding a touch of sophistication to your gift. Please note that the vases may vary based on stock availability, giving each delivery a unique charm. Any extras/add-on’s displayed in the images are not included

Order online at Flowers On Kensington for convenient delivery, and make someone’s day truly special with this beautiful floral arrangement that speaks volumes of your love and appreciation!


6 Red Roses (R370), 12 Red Roses (R695), 24 Red Roses (R1250), 36 Red Roses (R1450), 50 Red Rose (R1850), 100 RedRoses (R3900)

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